
News, announcements, best practices, use cases and more.

The scale of usage

The Scale of (Ironic) Usage About once a year, often in the beginning of the year, I receive a question to which I cannot really answer. Truthfully, it often comes from several avenues, and different…

By Julia Kreger on 05/01/2022

Ironic 18.2

Xena Release On Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021, the Ironic team released its OpenStack Project "Xena" cycle deliverable for Ironic as version 18.2.0. For those who are not aware of how OpenStack…

By Julia Kreger on 24/09/2021

Performance Update

What a Journey When I started out on a journey of trying to improve the performance of ironic a few months ago, the journey ended up taking a bit of a different path from what I expected. But I can…

By Julia Kreger on 05/08/2021

Bare Metal SIG - Introduction to Bifrost

Bifrost allows to install Ironic in standalone mode (without other OpenStack components) and is also often chosen as a starting point to get familiar Ironic, or even for Ironic development. Core…

By OpenStack Bare Metal SIG on 19/07/2021

The search for performance

All the context I recently began on a journey to discover performance issues in Ironic. In part, because I made changes to improve operational security capabilites to users which we knew would have…

By Julia Kreger on 05/05/2021

Checkout Case for Ironic in Cern IT

Ironic contributor Arne Wiebalck writes in a recent blog update on the about why they use Ironic and how it helps them support their users and ultimately their mission.

By Pixie Boots on 30/04/2021

Bare Metal SIG - Secure RBAC

Ironic contributor Julia Kreger gives us an overview of Secure RBAC, a Wallaby cycle community effort, in Ironic.

By OpenStack Bare Metal SIG on 20/04/2021

Bare Metal SIG - Ironic Prometheus Exporter

Ironic contributor Iury Gregory Melo Ferreira introduces us to the Ironic Prometheus Exporter, a utility to help expose Bare Metal node sensor data to Prometheus.

By OpenStack Bare Metal SIG on 20/04/2021

Checkout Injecting Files in Ironic

Ironic contributor Dmitry Tantsur writes in a recent blog update on how to use the new injecting files feature in Ironic.

By Pixie Boots on 24/02/2021

Bare Metal SIG - Deploy Steps Introduction

Ironic contributor Dmitry Tantsur introduces us to the Deploy Steps, a mechanism to have customized deployments processes.

By OpenStack Bare Metal SIG on 10/02/2021

Checkout Deploy Steps Tutorial

Ironic contributor Dmitry Tantsur writes in a recent blog update on how to create and use in-band deploy steps with Ironic.

By Pixie Boots on 09/02/2021

Bare Metal SIG - Redfish Interop profiles

Ironic contributor Richard Pioso shares about the effort to create Inter Operability profiles for Redfish.

By OpenStack Bare Metal SIG on 02/02/2021

Bare Metal SIG - Ironic/Neutron ML2 interaction overview

Ironic contributor Julia Kreger shares an overview of the interaction between Ironic and Neutron with ML2 plugins.

By OpenStack Bare Metal SIG on 02/02/2021

Bare Metal SIG - Multi-Tenant Ironic

Ironic contributor Tzu-Mainn Chen shares an overview of the mutli-tenancy model supported in Ironic.

By OpenStack Bare Metal SIG on 02/02/2021

Checkout Ephemeral Workloads with Ironic

Ironic contributor Dmitry Tantsur writes in a recent blog update on how to use the ramdisk deploy interface to run ephemeral workloads with Ironic.

By Pixie Boots on 19/01/2021

SuperUser - Scaling Bare Metal Provisioning with Nova and Ironic

Arne Wiebalck and Belmiro Moreira with CERN and Sunny Cai with the Open Infrastucture Foundation recently posted a an article on SuperUser titled . In this post, they talk about their experiences…

By Pixie Boots on 11/01/2021

Checkout Ironic 2020

Ironic contributor Dmitry Tantsur has taken some time to share with us his recollection of the most important events from . Check it out!

By Pixie Boots on 01/01/2021

StackHPC shares about Software RAID

In a blog post we recently found, the awesome folks at StackHPC have written about . Special thanks goes to Stig Telfer and Doug Szumski!

By Pixie Boots on 18/05/2020